Friday, January 11, 2008

What do you mean curiosity killed the cat?

This week, I couldn't decide on a Flickr photo of the week from one of my Flickr contacts. As the number of contacts I have grows (I now have 222 people I've marked as contacts and 149 who have marked me), this task becomes more difficult. Hopefully, my Flickr Photo of the Week feature will be back next week.

My BF took this photo of our cat, Snickers, on the kitchen table contemplating the cacti, which is our little reminder of the desert/warm weather. Unfortunately, the cactus on the left seems to be ailing, perhaps it doesn't like the Idaho winter either.

Yesterday, I finished these:
Fingerless mitts, completed Day 74
I'm not totally pleased with the way the decreases show toward the top, but these fit well. I plan to try to perfect my pattern. on another pair soon. I was inspired by two patterns:

Knitting at KNoon Designs fingerless mittens
and Kolenya by Carola Falk,

I visited two thrift stores this week and got two giant bags of new sweaters for felting/projects. I think I now have more wool sweaters than I could ever hope to use, but buying more is an addiction of sorts. (I'm still looking for that elusive "best" sweater, yes, in fact, I am looking for a cashmere sweater or two that I can turn into a bunny!)

I'm not actually sure what my next project will many options, so little time!
Is it Spring yet?

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