Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I've had a couple of difficult days at work and found it easy to feel sorry for myself when things didn't go as I hoped. Driving home from work the last few days, I've been greeted by hundreds of American flags lining the streets near my house. This is a view across the street from my house where one of the many flags is poised in the recent snow.
The flags were placed by a local group that wanted to honor a local fallen solider, who died recently in Afghanistan. However tough my day has been, I simply can't feel sorry for myself a minute longer when I see the parade of flags. I 'm instantly reminded how good I have it and how grateful I am to have the life I do.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Manic Monday #161

Manic Monday #161
Do you enjoy brain teasers or do you find them frustrating? I don't have much interest in them. They seem like a waste of time, but perhaps that is because I don't have much talent for them.

Do you have any unusual collections? Wool sweaters for felting, I have a closet full of them for projects.

What do people notice about you within the first hour of meeting you (other than appearance)? That's a good question, I have no idea actually. You'd have to ask some people I meet for the first time.
PS I'm generally very careful to keep my sweaters far away from my cat, but she managed to hit the jackpot the day this photo was taken.


Just listed in my Etsy shop. The yarn for this camel neck warmer has just enough cashmere (14%) to make it luxuriously soft. I love the color and the kidney shaped wood buttons...they are from Indonesia.

Friday, March 27, 2009

While they play Giveaway

Kalurah over on While they Play is very generously giving away her stash of acrylic yarn (she's found herself allergic to it) and a wonderful bag. Although I'd love the yarn bag for myself, I just had to share this generous offer. Pop on over to her blog and comment for a chance to win the prize.

The Day the Poetry Died?

Signs of Spring, March 27, 2009

As someone who loves and occasionally writes poetry, this lead in line on MSN.com got my attention a few days ago:

The End of Verse? A recent NEA report finds fiction reading on the rise, while readership of poetry has dropped significantly. Is an art form dying?

I participate in Etsy Bloggers and the current blog carnival offers a couple of topics for writing including this one:
Did you know that March is:* Irish American Month* Music in Our Schools Month* National Craft Month* National Frozen Food Month* National Irish American Heritage Month- designated by Congress in 1995.* National Nutrition Month* National Peanut Month* National Women's History Month* Poetry Month* Red Cross Month* Social Workers Month. Which of these means the most to you, why, and how do you celebrate/remember?

And no, I did not know that March had all those designations though I am not surprised. The fact that it would be National Poetry Month did ring a bell because I recall a previous year when the library featured local poetry in March.

If you are a regular on this blog, you know I write the occasional poem. One of my favorites is here. I've written about a poem written by my father during a time when poetry writing was a much more common past time of youth. You also may recall my blog post about an experience in high school involving memorizing and reciting poetry and the shortest poem in history which you can find here.

But back to the story about poetry dying...it reminded me of the song "American Pie" which lamented the day the Buddy Holly died in a plane crash as "the day the music died". I suppose the appreciation of verse could be falling victim in modern times to the general decline of civilization, the Internet, the prevalence of computer games, and the inexplicable (at least from my point of view) fascination with reality TV. I hope our youth are still reading and reciting poetry in school, but at home they are more likely to be sending "tweets" on Twitter than they are to be reading or writing poetry. If you're not familiar with Twitter, it's a website where you are confined to writing no more than 144 characters per message. Not exactly the kind of venue that promotes poetry appreciation. I do admit to being an occasional visitor there where my user name is HMOriginals.

It seems that fiction reading is up, but poetry reading is well...significantly down, poetry readership being at its lowest in 16 years with just 8.3 percent of adults reading any poetry in the preceding 12 months. There has actually been in 50% reduction in poetry readers in the past 6 years. Pretty alarming to someone like me who loves poetry.

With reportedly only 8.3% of adults actually reading poetry, (and assuming you can trust the NEA statistics...They didn't ask me if I read poetry and I'm guessing they didn't ask you either), I guess National Poetry month, which was started in 1996, hasn't been all that successful.

Now, I'm enlisting you, my bloggy readers, to help turn the tide. Vow to read a poem, one of mine, or another poet in what remains of March, 2009. Don't be one of the 91.7% of the population that never reads poetry. Let's make sure 2009 isn't the year the poetry died.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, March 23, 2009

Manic Monday #160

Manic Monday #160
By Fleur de Lisa
Do you screen your phone calls? Nope. At home I don't have any way to do this (no caller ID) but even at work and on my cell where I could do this, I don't. I was raised to think that if your phone rings you should answer it (and you'd want to talk to the person on the other end).... Of course, that was before telemarketers outnumbered friends.

When was the last time you lost your temper? Hmm...not sure. I am pretty angry over the whole financial meltdown/loss of retirement savings /greed scenario that has been playing out of late. Who really needs or deserves a bonus of $6.5 million?? As a result, I've wanted to yell out the line from the movie Network: "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!" and I suspect if I did it in a public place, I'd have lots of people joining in.

When you're lost, do you ask for directions? Of course, isn't that the SENSIBLE thing to do...unless you have access to map quest or GPS?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

Thoughtful Friday-My Charming Gardener

and his assistant, Snickers

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy: they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.

Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922)

Monday, March 16, 2009

FO: Zipped Vest

Finally finished this vest. I started this vest February 3, but had to undo at least 6 inches of knitting after I discovered it was way too big.

Zipped Vest by Veronique Avery, in Knitting Classic Style
size medium (but for an XL man
5 skeins of Cascade 220 in a charcoal gray, 24" separating zipper

The pattern is moss stitch (but a different variation than the one I have used before) alternating with welts. I loved that it is knitted in one piece, no seaming, just turning under the facing on the neck.

Manic Monday, barefoot or slippers?

Manic Monday #159
By Fleur de Lisa
Are you a saver or spender? I think I strike a pretty good balance these days, I try to max out my retirement savings, but I also don't have much hesitation over buying something I need or really want. I am much better at admitting the difference between "want" and "need" than I used to be.

Do you prefer to walk around barefoot in your home? Socks? Shoes? slippers, often with socks....it's not warm enough here to be barefoot.

Do you talk to yourself? Not often, but I've been known to do this.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Featured Etsy Blogger-DesignsbyNora

I always enjoy the opportunity to feature another Etsy blogger. DesignsbyNora is the team's featured Blogger for March. She makes these cute little flower earrings and sells them in her Etsy shop here and blogs here. She just passed 100 posts on her blog, congrats Nora!

And I have a milestone of my own. 750 Etsy users have "hearted" my shop on Etsy. Woo hoo!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Thoughtful Friday--Potential

There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million. ~Walt Streightiff

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spring Leads to Summer

The blog carnival topic choices this time are: "Spring and what I look forward to" OR "Month 3. We are already on March!! What have you accomplished this year in real life or on Etsy?? Have you followed your New Year's resolutions? What are your plans for the rest of 2009?"

I don't really want to write about not meeting my own expecatations for the new year, so instead I choose topic #2.
With the coming of spring, I'm looking forward to:
  1. Days where the temperature gets above 35 degrees and you can actually spend some time outdoors.
  2. Bringing the cushions out and putting them on the patio furniture (and being able to sit and enjoy the patio).
  3. Green, red, yellow, purplse and blue appearing in my flowerbeds and yard to replace brown as far as the eye can see.

  4. Shopping for annual flowers and tomato plants and being able to put them in the ground.
  5. Leisurely barbecue dinners and breakfasts on my patio

  6. Trying my hand at selling my wares at the local farmer's market some Saturday mornings.

SEE a Theme here? I admit I'm a California or Arizona girl at heart, I don't enjoy the cold weather here in Idaho. I spent last week in Southern California taking care of my precious 7 month old grand-daughter. We enjoyed almost daily walks to the Port Hueneme beach. I wouldn't mind a few more days spent there in the sand and sun (photo above). Think WARM!

Wordless Wednesday