Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pet Peeve-Spam in Many Forms

What are your pet peeves?  We all have them.  At the top of my list recently are all the television ads promoting products that we never would have seen on tv in my youth. (incontinence, E.D. etc.)  I don't care to hear about how to be "ready when the time is right".

Call me old fashioned, but I'm glad I don't have to answer questions from my children like "Mommy what is ____" (you fill in the blank). I may still get these questions from my grandchildren. 
I recall the days when "spam" only meant a can of something vaguely similar to ham.  My email spam filter thankfully catches most of the junk email I receive promising to "enhance" my life experience in some way along with the ones promising to fix my credit problems.  I was saddened this week to find a spammer had been posting items in my blog comments that I find offensive.  I believe I've removed them all, but please let me know if you come across any here.  I have turned on comment moderation for the older posts on the blog just to try to cut down on the possibility of this happening.  I may have to make other changes if these issues persist. 


~ Phyllis ~ said...

I agree with you 100%. I get so annoyed when these commercials come on TV.

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

I agree with you 100% - and I'm a generation or so younger! I see no point in them putting those type of things on-line. *sigh*

A Keeper's Jackpot said...

It seems like every other commercial is trying to convince you that you have a problem that needs treating. As far as your spammer, that's really lousy, and must have left you feeling used. On that note, I noticed your post below about Featsy, but the site has been taken down because a seller on the stats page was abused and threatened... sad world. I was excited to check it out too...

kt said...

My hubby and I always get the giggles during the ED ads as they ALL feature the couples sitting in side-by-sde bathtubs...what's that all about?