Sunday, January 4, 2009

De clutter--It's National Organizing Month

Declutter , originally uploaded by libbywithnall.

"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."

— William Morris—

First off, I have to admit I am far, far away from achieving the idea in that quote. I am the consummate packrat. I have fabric from the 1970's, I still one of my prom dresses (and many other "vintage" clothing items), bits and pieces of yarn from finished projects, and on and on. However, I got the organizing bug the past week.

Did you know that January is National Organizing Month? Well, I didn't, but I wasn't surprised because there is a month for just about everything on the planet. Anyway, before I knew it was the month for it, I launched a "Declutter the House" project. I had 4 consecutive days off and was frozen outside, so it seemed like a good time to start. I actually started with cleaning out four drawers that were driving us crazy because they contained just about everything on the know that junk drawer that you have in your kitchen, well, I had 4 of them around the house.

I made one trip to the thrift store to donate with the back of my Subaru wagon totally filled and have another load ready to go. I feel lighter already. Well, I may not actually BE lighter because I haven't started the "Get Yourself in Shape for the New Year" project yet. I'm listing crafting books and supplies in my Destash shop and I have a couple of items for sale on Craig's list, but most of what I am shedding is going to charity. I started a similar project at work last week. It was quiet so I had time to send a huge crate full of paper to recylcling and I got almost everything on my desk organized and filed.

Try it, it will make you feel lighter and better, guaranteed!


Shell Mitchell said...

I'm working on it but it's going to take longer than a month:)

Anonymous said...

Excellent post! We too have junk drawers that are in need of some serious attention!
I have tried the same thing, de-junking , although it has taken me probably almost 2 years to do this again... i had 5 bags given to the second hand store. I felt great cleaning and organizing, but it wasn't enough after a while! So I went on the hunt or investigation if you will and I found this book called Your Spacious Self, by Stephanie Bennett Vogt. This book is amazing, better then any feng shui book and self help book. I take it one step at a time and try and put one thing away a day. Actually have my husband doing the same thing... soon my 5 year old... start them early so they are organized when they get older ;)
So far the book has really helped, I am slowly but surely getting to those junk drawers!

TiLT said...

Congrats on the acheivement :)

I love to de-clutter - I know, i am strange. Only problem is sometimes have to hold myself back or would throw everything I see away!
Just had salvation Army do pick-up...was too much for trunk :)