Friday, August 1, 2008

Crafting 365, Day 275, Red alpaca neck warmer

Wow, 90 more days and I reach my goal of 365 consecutive crafting days. I have to admit that some days my crafting has consisted of knitting a few rows, but most days I have spent at least an hour making something. This is my most recent neck warmer. If you read my blog regularly,you may be about ready to say "enough with the neck warmers"! But I do love the design (my own) and it seems to keep selling on Etsy. This is another one created with Plymouth Baby Alpaca Grande (it does NOT come from baby alpacas, but rather a certain part of the wool from the alpaca, I'm told).

Anyway, it is wonderfully soft and warm and I love the rich red color which may be just a little less orange-red than this picture shows, more of a wine/burgundy.

Today, the owner of my local LYS asked it I would teach a course in September on knitting this neck warmer. it is a great first cable project. I said yes and just need to decide which evening or Saturday in September will work best with my schedule.

Tonight, I roamed around downtown for the First Friday Art Walk. I saw some wonderful jewelry, paintings, and some unique photography. The photographer is Jesse Sena and you can find him on my space

This one is titled "Roots" and is some sort of photo shopped (?) mirror image of wonderful tree roots:

1 comment:

Jesse Sena said...

It was done using a mirror process in photoshop. Thanks for your kind words.