Sunday, October 28, 2007

Crafting 365- Day one, beige Nano case

nano 2 closeup, originally uploaded by homemadeoriginals.

I've been thinking about this for a while, but I decided to take the plunge and participate in Crafting 365 on Flickr. The idea is to do some crafting each day and to post one photo to the Flickr pool for the group. Many members also write about their Crafting 365 on their blog. So, day 1 of 365, sounds pretty daunting. I'm sure I won't be able to Blog every day, but I'll try to keep you updated about my progress by posting at least a couple of days a week.

Yesterday was a pretty productive craft day for me, being a Saturday. I finished off this beige Nano/cell phone case. It's a cute little number that actually got created when I was doing a custom order and didn't get the exact results I wanted. However, I worked with it yesterday and got it to the point that I feel it is finished.

I also started on a new Nano case that fits the brand new version of the Nano. And, I worked on a couple of recycled wool Christmas stockings that seem to be turning out very nice. These may end up being my day 2 items if I get them done unless I start something else.

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