Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Cool Flickr Toys

My creations

Last night I discovered FD's Flickr Toys and I've only just begun to play with them. One is "Mosaic Maker" that allows you to make a collage of pictures like the one above. It's a bit like the Poster Sketch tool on Etsy but allows you to have just photos (no text). Very easy to use. You can use up to 36 photos in a mosaic and then you can post it to Flickr. From there, you can post it to your blog by copying and pasting the code or use it as a photo anywhere.

I can see that at least one of my photos is pretty fuzzy, so obviously it was a lower resolution photo. The photo above is "medium" sized. The large size is really striking however it really exaggerates the fuzzy photo. I'll play with this again later aand post a large version some time.

The other is Flickr DNA. Here's mine:

View my DNA at bighugelabs.com
From the Website, it explains the DNA this way: "Flickr DNA gathers public information about any Flickr member, analyzes it, organizes it, and creates a high-level overview. Add a DNA button to your Flickr profile or blog as a way of introducing new contacts to your photos. Not for forensic analysis. "

You have to link to your Flickr account to use these tools, but it is a simple process. FD is a Flickr user who has some amazing photos. His Big Huge Labs web page has this description:
"About fd's Flickr Toys
What started as a lark has turned into something much larger. Every day, I'm amazed, bewildered, and elated that I can, through this site, make so many people happy. "

If you haven't already discovered these fun toys, you will really enjoy them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Flickr's got such amazing tools - I already spent hours playing around there and discovering goodies - it's fun, isn't it? Thanks also for the link to the Flickr DNA, this sounds very interesting indeed!