Saturday, May 29, 2010

Unexpected Blooms

We recently returned from vacation in southern Arizona. I always find it surprising to see the spectacular desert blooms. Some of them are larger than the cactus that support them!

The large cactus is the Saguaro. A mature saguaro is considered to be at least 125 years of age. Average life spans are usually 150 to 175 years of age. Saguaros begin to grow arms at about 65 to 75 years of age.
The buds open into large white flowers from late April through early June. Each flower opens in the middle of the night, and closes the following day.

First Cooking Lesson

My grand daughter was here for a visit with her parents and we had our first "cooking lesson". She's only 21 months old, but she loved making "dough"...and eating it. The apron she is wearing, by the way, was mine when I was a little older than she is now; it used to have cute little clothespin dolls in the pockets. I really should try to recreate those. We were making Butterhorns, a recipe my Mom made for us as a special weekend breakfast treat.



2 c sifted flour 2 ½ T sugar

¼ c butter or shortening ½ t salt

¼ c lukewarm water 1 t sugar

½ c milk 1 egg yolk

Icing (see end of recipe)

Directions: Put flour, sugar, salt in bowl. Cut in butter. Dissolve 1 t sugar in lukewarm water. Sprinkle with yeast, let stand. Scald milk, cool to lukewarm. Blend in slightly beaten egg yolk. Stir yeast mixture and add to milk mixture. Add to dry ingredients all at once. Stir until well blended. Cover bowl tightly with waxed paper then a cloth. Chill at least 2 hours, not more than 48 hours. Round dough into ball on floured board.

Roll dough into oblong about 1/3” thick. Cut into strips about 6-8” long and 1/2 “ wide (use kitchen scissors). Hold one end of strip in each hand and stretch it slightly and twist like a rope. Place one end on greased baking sheet, wind the rest of the strip round and round. Tuck end under. Cover with damp cloth and let rise until dent remains when finger is pressed slightly. Bake at 375 degrees 12-15 minutes. Cool on rack for 10 minutes. Spread icing on top and sprinkle with chopped walnuts.

Icing: 1 cup icing sugar, 4 T milk, pinch salt, 1 or 2 drops of vanilla